Canary Rose Retreat

803 West Broad St, Suite 320

Falls Church, VA 22046

Welcome to Canary Rose Retreat, a therapeutic massage center, dedicated to your relaxation and enjoyment. Come experience massage therapy, one of the oldest methods of healing. It can relieve your stress and add to your total well-being.

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Registered Therapy Dog Service

Enjoy the skills and experience of our highly skilled and trained massage therapists; who have completed the Virginia state requirement of at least 500 hours of massage therapy training, certified and approved by the State Council of Higher Education. They have passed the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork test, giving them the title “Certified Massage Therapists”. They hold Virginia State Board of Nursing- Massage Therapist Permits; as well as, Fairfax County Massage Therapist Permits.

Braden is a registered therapy dog providing active services in the Fairfax County and Lake Anna areas of Virginia. His identification code: OSER 58173 issued for American Disabilities Act Title II. Breed: Miniature Australian Labra-doodle; weight 22lbs. Braden serves the community offering emotional therapy. Braden actively works with adolescents in confidence building training classes and available to attend court case trials/hearings in support of victims testifying in cases of abuse. He is popular for his visits to local retirement communities and personal visits to homes and hospice care environments. He is pure love full of wet kisses for those in need. Please contact Irene at 571-722-7882 if you or someone you know is in need of his volunteer services.

Braden’s owner/handler Irene is a VA Board of Nursing Certified Massage Therapist #0019009807; Fairfax County Permit #M15-487. Works in conjunction with Braden in the above activities; while providing massage services for Canary Orchid Retreat. She provides acupressure style deep tissue for release of back, neck, shoulder, and hip pain.